Page name: Poke'mon Lovers Forever! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-06-05 03:19:10
Last author: The Dizzy Raven
Owner: The Dizzy Raven
# of watchers: 14
D20: 14
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Pokémon Lovers Forever!



Birth date of Fan Club:
April 27, 2009

This is a place where Pokémon fans of all ages and races from around the world can come here and have fun! You can discuss your favorite Pokémon and video games, and even exchange tips. Enjoy!

[The Dizzy Raven]
Co owner
[Ghost the Hybrid]

Poke'Lovers - Members page: Add your name here!
Poke'Banners - Check them out and add one to your house!
Poke'Art - Feel free to upload your fan art here or just browse!
Poke'Adventures - Pokémon roleplay OPEN!
Mukki's Poke'Art - Pokemon Fan Art By [The Dizzy Raven]

Pokémon Info.: (Numerical Order)
From<img:>to<img:>Poke'mon From Kanto
From<img:>to<img:>Poke'mon From Johto
From<img:>to<img:>Poke'mon From Hoen
From<img:>to<img:>Poke'mon From Sinnoh
Sneak Peek: Generation V
[Information on the Pokémon and more images coming soon]

It's Super Effective! - Here you can find all the info about attacks, types, natures, and abilities.

Games and Movies:
<img100*0:> Poke'mon Games - Here is a list of all games released world wide.
<img100*0:> Poke'mon Movies - Here is a list of Pokémon movies.

The news have moved to the wiki Poke'news and it will still be updated when ever we get any news so stay tuned

Game Events:
The events have been moved to the wiki Poke'mon Events make sure to visit the wiki often to get up to date with the events that is going on and for future events.


Elftown links:
~ Pokedex
~ My Own Original Pokemon...


Confirmed releases:

Pokémon Conquest:
Japan                        released
Korea                        Not confirmed
North America            June 18, 2012
Australia                    June 21, 2012
Europe                      Not confirmed

Pokémon Black2:
Japan                        June 23, 2012
Korea                        Not confirmed
North America            Autumn 2012
Australia                    Spring 2012
Europe                      Autumn 2012

Pokémon White2:
Japan                        June 23, 2012
Korea                        Not confirmed
North America            Autumn 2012
Australia                    Spring 2012
Europe                      Autumn 2012

Pokédex 3D pro:
Japan                        June 14, 2012
Korea                        Not confirmed
North America            Not confirmed
Australia                    Not confirmed

Pokemon AR searcher/dream radar:
Japan                        June 23, 2012
Korea                        Not confirmed
North America            Not confirmed
Australia                    Not confirmed
Europe                      Not confirmed


Pokémon manga to read online:

Pokémon Adventures
Chapters 1-364:

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Chapter 1:

Pokémon Ranger: Shadow of Almia
Chapters 1-4:

Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior
Chapters 1-6:

Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai
Chapters 1-5:

Kaitou! Pokémon 7
Chapters 1-12:

Pokémon DP
Chapters 1-25:


Pics are borrowed from

Username (or number or email):


2010-04-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well we need house banner and one banner is better than no banner. i'm just glad to get any help at all

2010-04-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: there's new generation 5 news but i have no clue what to write after reading it>_<

2010-04-10 [wicked fae mage]: Post it all in comment form and sort out the major details from that we can help

2010-04-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's more that at the moment i want you guys to read this and see if you can help me

2010-04-11 [wicked fae mage]: I'd state something about black and white versions being revealed and remarking on their graphics.

2010-04-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hmm... yeah maybe

2010-04-11 [wicked fae mage]: Just a short announcement and then add a development whenever they're announced?

2010-04-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: at the moment i think that i need some help from phoenix^^'

2010-04-11 [wicked fae mage]: For the info wiki pages with news and events etc?

2010-04-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: yeah and i need to ask some questions^^'

2010-04-11 [wicked fae mage]: Hmm...she's usually on in the afternoon or evening if her brother isn't playing WoW

2010-04-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *nods* ok

2010-04-12 [*Phoenix*]: I'm here now for a little bit. I have to get to bed soon for school tomorrow so just message me and I'll get it ASAP. :)

2010-04-12 [*Phoenix*]: sorry. Got to go!

2010-04-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: and i went to bed early>_<

2010-04-13 [*Phoenix*]: es okay..

2010-04-14 [*Phoenix*]: sure. :) I can see what I can do...

2010-04-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: that's be really nice, i'm not sure at all what to write of those news at all-_-'

2010-04-15 [*Phoenix*]: Okay. One's already done, but I have to look at the movie one. I don't have much time tonight because I still have more stuff to do, but I can take a look...

2010-04-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok thanx, you can do it later if you want to

2010-04-16 [*Phoenix*]: I finished it. ^-^

2010-04-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: thanx

2010-04-16 [*Phoenix*]: welcomes. ^_^

2010-04-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm glad not having to do the news once in a while^^'

2010-04-16 [*Phoenix*]: That's why I'm here to help!

2010-04-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know and i'm glad for the help

2010-04-18 [*Phoenix*]: Glad I can help! ;]

2010-04-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mirandachu offered to help too

2010-04-18 [*Phoenix*]: yepperdoodles. I do remember that.

2010-04-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool, if she askes you for the password phoenix then i give you the permission to give it to her in a personal message

2010-04-18 [*Phoenix*]: Okay. I can do that. :)

2010-04-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool:)

2010-05-02 [IonicRose]: Hello, quick question guys. Why isn't the pictures or links from ponyta to cubone in the Kanto region not working? ...or is it just incompatible with my IPod touch? >.> 
(If it's simply not working I may try to tackle the picture editing today if the thunderstorm here slacks enough that I can get on my PC)

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: we don't know miranda and if you wanna tackle the problem then you're welcome to tackle it

2010-05-02 [*Phoenix*]: I hadn't even noticed.....

QUESTION! On one of the fan pages on FB there's this picture:
and people were arguing that it was Ash or Red. Frankly, I've never heard of Red. Would someone like to polish my knowledge for me so I'm no so confused?

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: Isn't Red from the Japanese Manga? the one with Celfairy. Okay if I rememebr right pokemon started off as a manga feturing Red and his Celfairy. The manga wasn't for kids, so when they made the anime they made Ash and Pikachu. Honestly I think it's Red.

2010-05-02 [*Phoenix*]: Hmm... I don't think I've ever seen Red before..

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: I think you can only see him in the manga, the old old mangas. Also, I think Red did get Pikachu for the english version. And if you've ever played the original Red, Blue, and Yellow versions, the name Red is one of the choices because of the character.

Red makes all kinds of perveted jokes towards Misty in the manga, so I think that's why they subed him with Ash for the kids version.

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: ^.^'' Nvm. XD

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i have to corect you there spirit.

red is the main character in the red, blue, green arc of the manga his first pokemon was a poliwhirl called poli that was his childhood friend, in the first or second chapter of the manga he was given saur a bulbasaur of profesor oak. he later chought a pikachu in veridian city that was steeling food. he never had a clefary.

he could also be gold witch reminds a bit of red(at least according to me) but gold never had a pikachu.

the one with a clefary was green(english translation) or blue(original japanese name) she also got a jigglypuff and she also stole a squirtle from profesor oak.

since ash was based on red it could how ever be ether red or ash in the pic but in my opinion i'd say that it was ash^^'





2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: Heh, Well like I said if I remember correctly. XD Some days it all blurs together.

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: btw if any of you are interested in reading one of the few mangas about pokemon that is out there i'll put up the links to them as i find the. i'll start with the pokemon adventure manga^^

2010-05-02 [*Phoenix*]: Hmm. That's cool... I have a few of the 1998 old comics. It's the Electric Pikachu Bogaloo...

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: you mean the electric tale of pikachu?

2010-05-02 [*Phoenix*]: I just have the Electric Pikachu Bogaloo series...

I don't have #1 though which is sad...

2010-05-02 [*Phoenix*]: Oh cool section!

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know now, you got the 3rd volume of the manga series that is called the electric tale of pikachu, see the link^^'

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: just took the once i could find on manga fox

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: Okay i now what i was thinking of now enter Isamu Akai into Bulbapedia. ^.^

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: never heard about him before

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: He's "Red", but a newer version. He has Clefairy who is extreamly rude.

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: oh ok, well as i said i've never heard of that manga or that red before

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: I noticed it in a library here, and assumed it was the 1st and only Red. So when i looked up Red a long time ago, they only mentioned Akai. XD Memory failure on my part normally i remember names a little better. Anyway the Clefairy's personality makes the manga funny.

2010-05-02 [*Phoenix*]: Yep. I got them from Goodwill for about $5 ish...


2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD Small world.

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well akai means red in japanese so yeah^^'

and that's cool phoenix

2010-05-02 [*Phoenix*]: I know! They had #1 but then it was gone when I went to buy it...It was so sad...I want to see if I can find the rest online...

Anyways, I got to go! See ya!

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: Byes. ^.^

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i wanna see if i can get them all online somehow. see ya phoenix

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: As in one page? Like a Red timeline?

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i mean the electric tale of pikachu ether to buy them online or to read them online

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: Oh okay XD ^.^''' Silly me.

2010-05-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: tis ok

2010-05-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: pictures of the kanto and johto pokemon us up in there respective pages the hoen and sinnoh pokemon will get up too eventualy and so will also the information of the pokemons

2010-05-07 [The Dizzy Raven]: wow... O.O I don't get on this site much. you all pretty much took over! lol ^_^ thanke so much Yume for helping out!!! :D

2010-05-07 [The Dizzy Raven]: Phoenix, too! :D

2010-05-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well we more or less did^^' we have some ideas to improve it and we also need some help with the news-_-' and you should get on here more [The Dizzy Raven]and help us a bit

2010-05-07 [The Dizzy Raven]: ah! ok ^_^
i'll try to do what i can

2010-05-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool^^

2010-05-07 [The Dizzy Raven]: well, right now I gotta go. so see ya later! :D

2010-05-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: oki see ya

2010-05-11 [*Phoenix*]: Very nice guys!

2010-05-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: thanx^^

2010-05-11 [*Phoenix*]: welcomes!

2010-05-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i've done so manny pic updates*is proud* over 300 i think, and i still managed to play some pokemon(has chought 6 legendaries in 1 day and is training to go against red) and done alot of other stuff that my parents have wanted me to do

2010-05-11 [*Phoenix*]: Wow. you must be a whirlwind right now!! Great job! *bear hugs*

2010-05-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it feels like i don't get any sleep at all-_-'*hugs back* witch reminds me, sleeping time for me*is getting light again here*

2010-05-11 [*Phoenix*]: *pushes Yume into bed* Sleep well. *tucks her in* I'm on my way to bed too.

2010-05-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww thanx*hugs* and good morning^^' i went to bed at 5 last night/this morning-_-'

2010-05-12 [*Phoenix*]: wow..that's crazy..

2010-05-12 [*Phoenix*]:

New Pokewalker event! Winner's Path Pokéwalker Route Distribution

Check out Poke'mon Events and be sure to watch the page!

2010-05-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: there's new news about the gen 5 starters too but i don't know what to write about it

2010-05-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all...

2010-05-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *giggles* hi there misty

2010-05-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hey Mia.

2010-05-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^

2010-05-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: POKEMON RULE # 1: Gotta catch em' all.

2010-05-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hehe

2010-05-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Pokemon Rule # 2: Don't get shocked by a Pikachu, they hurt.

2010-05-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: rule number 3 never piss of an arceus

2010-05-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yes, never do that.

Rule 4: Have fun.

2010-05-21 [Ghost the Hybrid]: actually we don't really have any rules here^^'

2010-05-21 [Ghost the Hybrid]: except from the ordinary et rules that is

2010-05-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know, I was just kidding.

2010-05-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know

2010-05-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, ok.

2010-05-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^

2010-05-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: POKEMON!!!!!

2010-05-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: news They've reviled the legendaries for pokemon black and white and also comfirmed that the games will be relised in september in japan and at the spring of 2011 in the rest of the world...and i might get a japanese copy of black or white

2010-05-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Black and white? Tell me more, do you start off in Pallet town, or is it like Joto league?

2010-05-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: misty it's non of the old games, it's the new generation generation 5 the new region is called Isshu. we don't know much about it yet

2010-05-31 [Pan.]: Is it just me that is thinking about not getting either of the 5th gen games?

2010-05-31 [Ghost the Hybrid]: since i love the new style of the game i'd say yes

2010-06-01 [*Phoenix*]: I'm not sure if I'll get it.....someday I want to have all the games so it depends on if I have money at that time...but I'll probably add it to my Christmas/birthday list...

2010-06-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i agree phoenix i'm the same way, i got my pokemon pearl as a "second hand" know i'm the second one that owned the game

2010-06-01 [*Phoenix*]: Ya. I understand what you mean...I don't think any of my games are second hand, but I've only bought about 2 of all the games I own myself.

2010-06-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok, well i've bought all of my games myself

2010-06-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: The only newish Pokemon games I have are Pokemon leaf green and I think it's Ruby red or Fire red, and Pokemon red dungeon where you play a human that wakes up a Pokemon and can't remember anything about their human life.

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: I never owned a game past crystal. I've played roms and a friend let me play their ruby version once....

2010-06-05 [IonicRose]: I can't wait for pokemon Black & White. The graphics look AWESOME!!

2010-06-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's ether ruby or fire red misty there's no game called rubyred yet. and i agree with you miranda the only negative i have to say is that we probably need to buy a 3DS to be able to play them

2010-06-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, well then it's Fire red that I have.

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: I miss the old graphics! I dare say that it was easier to find the important buildings back then. In Sunnyshore city I had to fly to find the pokemon center! ><;

2010-06-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seriously?

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: Yes. And I played Pearl on a slow processor with a bad rom and emulator. I can deal with basic sprites, but I hate having to go in and out of every building to see of there's something important there...

2010-06-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, that is rather annoying.

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: So to me it is much better because it's easier with the navigation of older games

2010-06-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it depends fae if you play long enugh then you'll get to know where to look^^'

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: I played it once. Was really disappointed that we got no Eevee until after the elite four. Hated the lack of Eevee in Ruby too.

I didn't really like it since they seem to be desperate for money and not much effort put into the games now.

Oh and the lack of fire pokemon. That sucked.

2010-06-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i agree on the fire pokemon part and you should play platinum it's so much different than diamond and pearl.

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: No money and no good roms. None of them save properly. So I've gotta wait until the fall to buy anything.

2010-06-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i've saved up for my games myself too^^' i'd recomand platinum and heartgold:) i got all generation 4 pokemon games diamond,pear,plarinum,heartgold and soulsilver^^'

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: I have a hacked HG I play a bit at night going for my Umbreon. Though what's interesting about the need of event Pokemon for the new games is a program invented. You can edit anything about the game at all with this program my boyfriend found. He made a Pidgey into an even Arceus and all of the editing you can think of...and it worked.

But a bit of elaboration on the no effort...they have so many legendary pokemon now that it's unreal. They had a handful at first which made them desirable and rare. But now I dare say the legendaries will be about a quarter of all of the pokemon there are. And the evolving and de-evolving of pokemon shows little thought as well.

I'd like it better if they didn't just take old pokemon and change them:
Farfetch'd evolves twice
there is a genderless Nidoran with evolutions now
Ditto evolves into Mimic...a bigger blob that can learn mimic, mirror move, transform and metronome...

And we discussed the Dragonscale and how it was used only once...and I never liked the lack of fire, dragon and ghost pokemon in the first few games. Not to mention bug pokemon weaken two of the strongest pokemon types (psychic and dark) but only have a few competent bug pokemon (Scyther, Scizor, Pinsir, Heracross, Ariodos, Parasect, Foretress, Venomoth Shedinja and Ninjask to my experience).

And the stones...they left out the old stones aside from a handful of evolutions....and they couldn't keep the after the elite four you face the gymleaders of a previous generation perk?

For reasons like this I wish Nintendo had a suggestion box. ><;

2010-06-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: talking about ditto i read a really interesting theory about ditto and why mew is as rare as it is. i can find the theory really easely id you guys wanna read it

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: Sure. Though Porygon should be rarer too since it is man-made

2010-06-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: they are really rare*finds the theory*

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: I've seen a lot of people use it, but that might just be because they like it.

2010-06-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i think its cause it's easy to breed in the games, and i couldn't find the article but it was an interesting theory. do you know what move ditto and mew have incomen?

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: transform

2010-06-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: exactly, the theory was something like this, ditto(pinkish in color, blue as shiny) and mew(also pink and also blue as shiny) was once the same pokemon but some mews lost their solid forms and their moves and became "blobs" that used transform to survive,that's why both mew and ditto is so rare as they are

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: thought...

2010-06-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: yeah i thought that it was an really interesting idea^^'

2010-06-05 [wicked fae mage]: And then we have Mew able to learn every move. Though Attract can't work for it...

2010-06-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know, nither charm i think

2010-06-06 [wicked fae mage]: Charm should work. It doesn't have the gender thing.

2010-06-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: really?

2010-06-06 [wicked fae mage]: Yeah. They look alike though. Hearts on the stadiums. Pink for attract. Orange for charm.

2010-06-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: something like that yeah

2010-06-06 [wicked fae mage]: I experiment a lot ^^;
My newest annoyer strategy is a double battle idea I'm working through. Spikes and toxic spikes and moves that force switching like roar or whirlwind. Rather annoying to most pokemon types

2010-06-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: interesting idea

2010-06-06 [wicked fae mage]: Yes, only steel types, flying types, poison types, levitators and Zangoose are immune to the entire strategy.

But I'm sure I could still work around that somehow after some thought.

2010-06-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: BURN!!!!

2010-06-06 [wicked fae mage]: All strategies have flaws. My Umbreon drug out a battle to 1 hour and 45 minutes with an annoyer by using psych up. So I've just gotta work it out.

2010-06-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: dark is good agains psycic and psycic don't work against dark i think

2010-06-06 [wicked fae mage]: Actually the battle was
Me- Umbreon, Espeon, Articuno
Teacher-Girafarig, Poliwhirl, Mr. Mime


2010-06-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hmm ok

2010-06-06 [wicked fae mage]: I need to not remember so many details ><;

2010-06-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's ok

2010-06-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Wow, you guys sure did talk alot, but it's cool, I've learned alot.

2010-06-08 [IonicRose]: @_@ *Lost* Too many words! XD

2010-06-08 [wicked fae mage]: I'm filled with useless knowledge and trivia. I have known every million dollar question except one on curiosity is always active, never satisfied...Goren from Criminal Intent, Ducky and Abby from NCIS, Munch from SVU...some of my curious famed counterparts...

2010-06-08 [IonicRose]: Haha. Nice to know, fae! Abby from NCIS is awesome btw. Lol

2010-06-08 [wicked fae mage]: Love the whole cast. ^^

2010-06-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i have to agree with fae, NCIS is so great:)

2010-06-08 [IonicRose]: Mhmm!

2010-06-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^'

2010-06-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yes, NCIS is awesome, and I love Abby.

2010-06-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: yay

2010-06-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: YAYNESS!

2010-06-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i has new phone*does THE happy dance*

2010-06-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: YAY!

2010-06-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *smiles*

2010-06-11 [IonicRose]: Awesome yume!

2010-06-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: thanx, it's a tiny one too, sony ericsson xperia x10 mini:D

2010-06-11 [IonicRose]: Sweet! I still have an ancient flip phone and some of the buttons are tearing up. ^_^'>

2010-06-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i couldn't hear when someone where calling me, the signal rarely went throw and so on with my old phone. i had a sony ericsson w300i before i changed to my sony ericsson xperia x10 mini^^'

on a nother topic, check out the game news<img:61691_1126352591.gif>

2010-06-12 [IonicRose]: I have a really old motorola flip phone and it freezes up and goes blank often and I either have to turn it off then back on or take the battery out for a second, but I had like a two or three year contract so I can't get a new phone until November this year.

2010-06-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: that sucks miranda

2010-06-12 [IonicRose]: Ehh, I don't use it enough anymore for it to really bother me.. Heh, I'm gonna try to get a two yr contract on a phone with a web browser next time, since they are usually half off or more here if you get a contract on your phone. ^_^

2010-06-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: nice, it's awsome with a phone like phone got wi-fi conection so i can use our wi-fi internet to go online on my phone if i feel like it:D

2010-06-13 [*Phoenix*]: Hey guys. Check out the new page I made. It's a WIP right now, but it won't take long to have it finished!

-> It's Super Effective! <-

2010-06-13 [*Phoenix*]: Does anyone know where I can try lvl 38+ Pokemon? The closest levels I've found are 29 and below. I made it to the Elite Four, but then lost against Lance. Any tips would be nice...

2010-06-13 [IonicRose]: Hmm.. I know when you beat the elite four you get to go to another region to train and the trainers there are 38+ for the most part... Other then that I'm not sure, you may just have to battle trainers and wild pokemon until you can beat lance. Hmm if you can get an Ice pkm and train it it make things much easier since Ice type moves take about 4x the damage on most dragons, then use water or electric on his Charzard. Hope this helps!

2010-06-13 [*Phoenix*]: Ya, I know that, but I haven't gotten past the Elite Four.....Hmm. Looks like I'm going to have to do this the slow way. Thanks, though.
I'll keep in mind the ice...That might help..

2010-06-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: what pokemons do you have ion your team phoenix? and who removed the game and movie image?

2010-06-13 [IonicRose]: Not me yume.

2010-06-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i guess it's phoenix then

2010-06-13 [wicked fae mage]: Trade the red scale to Mr. Pokemon if you haven't already for the EXP share and give it to a pokemon you want to raise. Against lance a water/ice type is ideal, aside from if Aerodactyl has a rock move...the ice type may faint at that point...or a pokemon that can learn dragon moves like Charizard (I realize it may be difficult to get) or other dragon pokemon...generally my original team against the elite four is this:

Typhlosion, Politoed, Ampharous, Hypno, Pidgeot, Umbreon. Umbreon/Ampherous for Will, Hypno/Typhlosion for Koga, Hypno/Politoed/Pidgeot for Bruno, Pidgeot/Ampharous/Hypno for Karen, Politoed/Ampharous/Umbreon for Lance...usually.

2010-06-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i used typhlosion,meganum,feraligatr,soodowoodo,noctowl and ampharos. feraligatr learns icefang witch i used on lance's pokemons aerodactyl and charizard is no mach for feraligatr ether:)

2010-06-13 [wicked fae mage]: I usually don't trade aside from trade evolutions until after the elite four because in comes the temptation of Articuno! Here, take this and buy a water stone and use it, and this with a leaf stone...

But I have never heard of anybody ever using Sudowoodo

2010-06-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: me and my friend started out with all the starters. nd sudoowoodo isn't that bad, it get to learn some good moves. i later changed it to a dugtrio. i'm also going to change my theme when i play the next time

2010-06-13 [wicked fae mage]: Too bad we don't have a thing like bulbapedia does...with info on pokemon with their move pools, their overall stats, suggested teams...and here's the strategies I've laid so far Pokemon Battle Strategies...

2010-06-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i like the team i did beat red with, not that different from the team i did beat lance with

2010-06-13 [wicked fae mage]: Still not done with HG...started it and haven't gotten back into it yet.

2010-06-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i finnished mine after about 2 months

2010-06-13 [wicked fae mage]: I played for like two days and I am almost on Pryce but I can't get back into it.

2010-06-13 [IonicRose]: I use Typhlosion, Quagsire, Ampharos, Mew, Flygon, and Lucario.

I traded over a lv 10 trapinch then evolved it into a flygon, my rilou I got from a pokèrangers special wifi mission then I traded over and evolved it, and the mew was lv 5 that a friend gave me from a cheat they used with their action replay or something.. ^_^'>

2010-06-14 [*Phoenix*]: I used Typhlosion, Gryados, Pidgeot, Ampharos, Ho-oh, and Tentacuel; I kept losing with them so I thought I'd trade Pidgeot with Gastly and Gryados with Laparas(for ice moves).

2010-06-14 [*Phoenix*]: So, what do you guys think of It's Super Effective!?

2010-06-14 [wicked fae mage]: Very good. How horrible is it making all of the tables and charts?

2010-06-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: phoenix if you took down the movie and game pic then please put them up again

2010-06-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: WUZ UP?!

2010-06-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: talking about strategies for pokemon

2010-06-15 [*Phoenix*]: It's annoying, but it doesn't bother me too much...


2010-06-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: thanx, i'm trying to look for pics to the other cathegories so it'll be easier to find what you're looking for

2010-06-15 [IonicRose]: Heh, I'm useless these days. All I've been doing is watching the world cup soccer matchs. 

2010-06-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool

2010-06-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Soccer?

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